Friday, March 15, 2013

My Friend's Exciting New Music Project: Sin + Seraphim

My first real musician friend here in San Diego is an amazing singer named Zoe Tantrum.  She and her musical partner Zeph Tragic have formed a new project called Sin + Seraphim.  You can check out and Like their Facebook page here: 

Zoe and Zeph have posted some great clips of their brand-new material on Soundcloud.  You can listen to snippets of several songs here:

Zoe will be making her live performance debut with Sin + Seraphim at Bar Sinister in Hollywood (, this Saturday night, March 16, 2013, at 10:00pm PT.  (NOTE: You can get $5 off the cover by going in costume, details here:  Sin + Seraphim at Bar Sinister )

I am very excited for her, and can't wait to hear how it goes in L.A. Saturday night.

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